South Broadway is an outreach/mission oriented church that reaches beyond our doors to the community and the world. We believe in “rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty” for those who need our help. We see this aspect of our church as essential to living out our faith.
Recent mission work and learning experiences have included a mission trip to Costa Rico, the Navajo Work Camp near Shiprock, NM (completed 20 years of service), Habitat for Humanity, San Luis Valley, CO, and Katrina Hurricane repair work in New Orleans, LA.
South Broadway, individually and in conjunction with other Disciples churches in the Central Rocky Mountain Region, are currently exploring future mission projects with the intent of organizing future mission work.
If you are interested in participating in mission projects please contact Ed Hawkins, Minister of MIssion.
WHI – Women’s Homelessness Initiative
In 2011, a consortium of interfaith congregations from the greater Capitol Hill area began working to address the need of offering sanctuary for women who are homeless in this community. Churches have joined together to offer safe shelter to twenty homeless women every night of the year. South Broadway participates in this ministry by preparing, serving, and sharing in a meal with these women the third Saturday of every other month. South Broadway partners with Corona Presbyterian in this ministry. Volunteers are always needed. Contact the church office if interested.
Give A Jam Ministry
Every Thursday at 9:00am, volunteers from South Broadway meet to make 96 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the residents at the New Genesis Homeless Shelter. New Genesis was founded in 1986 and is the only area homeless program for working people. Each year, New Genesis assists over 600 people off the streets and back into a fully productive lifestyle. Many hands are needed weekly for this ministry. If you are interested in helping, please contact Jeannette Lucero through the church office.
Community Garden
Each year during the spring and summer months, volunteers prepare, plant, care for, and harvest the SBCC community garden. Food from the garden is shared with the church family as it is harvested, and later in the season, is donated. If gardening is your passion, please contact Judy Pendleton through the church office.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a prayerful, spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace as well as celebration and joy. Each shawl, lap robe or baby blanket serves as a reminder of the love, blessings and embrace of God and caring friends. If you know someone who would benefit by receiving a prayer shawl, please contact our church office. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your request.
South Broadway has a group of ladies who meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7 in the conference room. Meetings are suspended during July and August. If interested in joining our group, or learning more about this ministry, please contact Ginger Lewis through the church office. We can provide supplies, instructions, and fellowship.
Fair Trade Exchange
In order to practice God's Peace and Justice, SBCC sells "Fair Trade" items (compensating growers in third world settings at "Fair Market Value"). The items include coffee, tea, chocolates and Palestinian olive oil. They are on sale every Sunday.